How Can Beets help afternoon slump and low sex drive????
Good Question!!! Beets increase blood iron and blood flow.... My newest solution for low afternoon energy is PURIUM'S "Can't Beet...
You Don't have to be a member of a gym...
You don't have to be a member of a gym to get a workout! It starts with you and it can easily start at home. Routine = Success - Create...
Routine=Success + Green food=Inner Happiness
The most successful people in life are successful because they have a daily routine. It's so exciting to see a client who begins...
Chose Nutritionally Dense Low Calorie
We are programmed to think we can't miss a meal - it's time to reprogram and reboot! What we can't miss is good nutrition without the...
Working out, but not eating right?
It's seems easier to get the exercise component down, the eating, not so easy. I see so many people put their all into working out. ...
Routine = Success
It's all about routine, the most successful people are those who follow a schedule! I get up every morning take 5 amino acids, have a cup...