I typically arrive to work at 5:45 am. In the summer that means light :)
On Thursday, 8/8/2024 - the day of the 888 and Lion's Gate Portal, I felt especially dreamy.
While emptying my car with my goods for the day, I heard a loud squawk behind me. As I turned around to see who was responsible, my eyes lit up to this amazingly beautiful big, black Raven sitting above my unit staring intensely down at me.
"Why hello there," I said. He looked at me, squawked back, our eyes connected, he took a moment, then flew away.
"What just happened?" I thought. I walked inside, sat in front of my computer and researched the black Raven. Here is what I found:
"Although these mysterious, dark-colored birds may appear ominous at a first glance, some say ravens are spiritual messengers that represent inner healing and transformation." by Tianna Soto
"The black raven carries profound spiritual symbolism across cultures. It represents themes of rebirth, transformation, and change, highlighting how death is a transition to a different state of existence. As a spiritual messenger, the raven is associated with prophecy, insight, and heightened intelligence."
"Raven activates the energy of magic, linking it to your will and intention. If raven has come into your life, expect MAGIC." Ted Andrews. Oh boy! I love that word MAGIC!!
Let's go back to where I started when I opened my eyes that morning. I awoke to the
" 888 Lion's Gate Portal"
888 symbolizes the 8th day in the 8th month (August) in the year 2024 (which, when added up, equals 8).
8 in numerology, is the number of infinity and magic (there's that word again). The Lion's Gate opened on 8/8/2024 and is the coinciding of two strong cosmic energies—the star Sirius aligning close to Earth as the Sun exerts an unparalleled influence from its ruling sign of Leo. This is Known as Lion's Gate portal.
Sirius is one of the brightest star lights in the night sky and is sometimes referred to as our “Spiritual Sun.” "Whereas our actual Sun illuminates our physical reality, Sirius illuminates our soul, our spirit, and our timeless and boundless selves." Jordan Maree (Yoga Journal, August 2024)
Sirius is considered the "Sun of our Sun." They act as sister planets moving close to each other and then pushed away due to their gravitational pull.
During periods of time in which Sirius gets closer to Earth, it’s believed humanity experiences a surge of higher consciousness.
While the portal is active, it’s also an auspicious time for meditation.
The "Lion's Gate" is a heightened time for manifestation through mediation and reminds us of the magic that we hold.
We are asked to reach beyond our limited beliefs and fears around failing and what seems to be not possible based on our limited beliefs. We are asked to be bold and daring. To believe in possibility.
This is a time to manifest, believe, create, to turn up the volume in who we are. It's a time of personal magic.
Ask yourself, "What magic do I wish to attract into my life?"
Are you feeling held back from the person you truly want to be? Then turn up your volume with your meditations.
Believe in the changes you want to create, don't be shy!
During this time dive deep into your meditation. Repeat affirmations that speak to all that you are becoming.
Chose words of confidence that speak loudly to the Universe to increase your magnetism.
Be clear on what you desire and detach from how it comes into existence. Trust in the Universe.
The Lion's Gate remains open until August 13th. Good luck! I can't wait to meet the incredible new you!!!
And so it is, Kathleen
